Wind Turbine
Wind turbines are like super high-tech windmills that use the wind’s power to make electricity. You’ll find lots of these turbines in big wind farms worldwide, making a massive 650 gigawatts of power, and they keep growing by 60 gigawatts each year.
Why are these turbines so important? Well, they give us a powerful and eco-friendly way to make energy. As we try to move away from dirty fossil fuels, wind power steps up to help. It cuts down on pollution and lessens climate change effects, and countries all over the world are getting on board to use wind energy. These turbines also help keep energy costs down, becoming more affordable with better technology and big wind farms.
Wind turbines show us a smart way to make energy, care for the planet, and make sure we have enough power for everyone.

Benefits of wind power
- Clean, abundant, and inexhaustible fuel: Wind power produces no emissions and is not depleted over time.
- Local economic development: Wind plants can provide a steady flow of income to landowners who lease their land for wind development.
- Modular and scalable technology: utilities can use wind resources strategically to help reduce load forecasting risks.
- Wind energy is one of the cheapest of the renewable technologies while reducing reliance on imported fuels.
- Energy price stability: it reduces dependence on conventional fuels that are subject to price and supply volatility.
The disadvantage
most electricity use is in urban areas and the best wind resources are often far away.
Wind turbines come in
Two configuration

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWTs)
Most wind turbines used today are horizontal axis machines. To work effectively they must face the wind by using a tail that automatically orientates the turbines or by using motors to move the turbine

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs)
Vertical axis turbines are cross-flow devices.
It will work with wind from any direction. They
are however less efficient at harnessing wind
Effect of number of blades
- Wind turbines with large numbers of blades have highly-solid swept areas and are referred to as high-solidity wind turbines.
- Wind turbines with small numbers of narrow blades are called low-solidity wind turbines.
- In theory, the more blades a wind turbine rotor has, the more efficient it is. However large numbers of blades can interfere with each other. High-solidity wind turbines tend to be less efficient overall than low-solidity turbines.
- Three-bladed rotors tend to be the most energy-efficient.
Building Mounted/integrated wind turbines advantages
- Height advantage without the need for large towers.
- Disturbed flows around buildings can locally increase wind speeds.
- Energy yields may therefore be increased relative to open sites.
Ducted wind turbine
Ducted wind turbine is a preferred building type which is positioned on top of high buildings to catch high wind speeds and avoid obstructions.